CSI Capital was formed by a group of senior banking executives to capitalize on the opportunity to provide sophisticated financing alternatives to small and lower-middle market companies. CSI Capital is an opportunistic lending and investing platform designed for special situations and transactions which fall outside traditional financing consideration.
In most cases, CSI Capital will focus on companies with fundamentally sound business propositions but which may be too small or out of favor industries, which may have stressed capitalization issues and which do not have institutional ownership. CSI Capital provides both senior and junior capital solutions as well as mezzanine structures with the ability to agent and or syndicate larger transactions.
CSI provides an array of comprehensive financing solutions to address clients' needs across all industry segments including manufacturing, distribution and service companies.
CSI maintains a network of experienced business contacts and resources, who have worked extensively with lower-middle market companies and outstanding management teams.
CSI is focused on forming strong partnerships with management. We work to structure transactions that meet the needs of small business owners and corporate management.